Proposed Changes to Driver CPC Qualifications

Proposed Changes to Driver CPC Qualifications

The Government conducted a consultation in 2023 to gather feedback on proposed changes to the Driver Certificate of Professional Competence (CPC). Based on the results of these consultations, new changes to the Driver CPC qualification are being proposed, pending Parliamentary approval later in 2024.

Note: Any driver qualifications set to expire before these changes are implemented must be renewed using the existing options available at the time.

Overview of Proposed Changes

Current Driver CPC Qualifications

At present, all Driver CPC qualifications meet EU requirements, allowing qualified drivers to operate vehicles across both the UK and the EU. The new proposal introduces a National Driver CPC, offering greater flexibility for those who drive solely within the UK.

  • The current Driver CPC will be rebranded as the International Driver CPC, maintaining the existing requirements.
  • Drivers will need to complete 35 hours of International Driver CPC training every five years to be eligible to drive in both the EU and the UK.
  • Training courses must be at least seven hours long.
  • If a course is split into two sessions of three hours and thirty minutes, the second session must be completed the following day.
  • Trainer-led e-learning is limited to two hours per session, with a total of 12 hours of e-learning contributing towards the required 35 hours of training.
  • New vocational driving test passers will automatically receive an International Driver CPC valid for five years.

National Driver CPC

The proposed changes aim to make the Driver CPC more adaptable for UK-only drivers. These drivers will have the option to:

  • Complete 35 hours of National Driver CPC training every five years, or
  • Combine 35 hours of National Driver CPC and International Driver CPC training every five years.

Key changes in course delivery include:

  • Courses must be at least three hours and thirty minutes long, though training providers can offer longer sessions.
  • Split courses will no longer need to be completed on consecutive days, giving course providers the freedom to set their own time limits.
  • Drivers will be able to take e-learning-only courses. For example, an approved three-hour-and-thirty-minute e-learning course can be completed at work or home.
  • A total of 12 hours of e-learning will count towards the required 35 hours of training.

Final Thoughts

These proposed changes aim to provide more flexibility and options for drivers, ensuring that the CPC training process is more accommodating to their specific needs. Stay informed about these updates to ensure compliance and take advantage of the new training structures.

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