Dangerous Goods Transport

How to Carry Out an Audit (DGSA)


Conducting an audit for the transport of dangerous goods is a critical process for ensuring compliance with safety regulations and maintaining operational efficiency. This guide outlines the key steps and considerations involved in carrying out a Dangerous Goods Safety Adviser (DGSA) audit.

How to Carry Out an Audit (DGSA)

1. Summarise the Company's Dangerous Goods Transport Activities:

- Provide an overview of the types of dangerous goods the company handles, including transportation methods and volume.

2. Document Specific Details Where Appropriate:

- List the dangerous goods by name and United Nations number (UN number) that are stored, consigned, or carried by the company.

- Detail the fleet of vehicles operated by the company.

- Outline driver training programs and policies for the training of other personnel.

- Record the subcontractors used for transport activities.

- Log and investigate any prohibition or improvement notices received.

- Document any dangerous goods accidents or incidents that have occurred in the last 12 months.

- Review previous accidents or incidents to prevent recurrence.

- Report any relevant accidents or incidents to the competent authority.

3. Inspect and Review the Company's Systems and Procedures for Dangerous Goods Transport Compliance:

- Assess systems related to personnel, products, vehicles, accidents and emergencies, security provisions, and subcontractors.

4. Inspect and Report on Specific Areas:

- Training, vehicle, and tank records.

- Classification, product containment, marking, and labelling.

- Storage conditions.

- Preparation and receipt of consignments.

- Loading and unloading processes.

- Availability and condition of personal protective equipment (PPE) and intervention equipment.

- Transport documentation.

- Condition and compliance of vehicles, trailers, and tanks.

- Management of subcontractors.

- Prohibition and improvement notices.

- Accidents and incidents.

5. Document Recommendations and Compliance Actions:

- Provide clear recommendations for improvements and outline the necessary actions for achieving compliance.


A thorough DGSA audit not only ensures compliance with regulatory requirements but also enhances the safety and efficiency of dangerous goods transport operations. By meticulously documenting activities, inspecting procedures, and reviewing incidents, companies can identify areas for improvement and take proactive steps to mitigate risks. This structured approach ultimately contributes to safer and more reliable dangerous goods transportation.

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